How to Get Rid of Acne Using Lighter Medications And Natural Remedies

How to Get Rid of Acne Using Lighter Medications And Natural Remedies

Acne is one of the commonest skin problems that young people complain about. These acne scars can be really embarrassing as they leave permanent spots on the sensitive facial skin. Especially the teenagers find it really difficult to handle the acne scars. They vigorously search to find out the ways of how to get clear skin. You can sort this problem all by yourself, without even taking medications.

Types of acne scars: find the types

Depressed and raised types are two major acne scars. Depressed scars associate depressive pits on the skin. If you undergo fat or muscular scraping, depressive scars occur. These are also known as rolling acne scars as they leave wavy skin textures. In the other hand, the scars that create hoisted skin components as residues are referred to raise scars. These scars are often very uncomfortable; to be more specific aching and inflamed.

What to do with chest acne?

Chest acne is one of the commonest skin problems seen all over the world. Usually the inflammations in the sebaceous glands around the chest and back give rise to acne scars. The skin manifestations can present as pimples, cysts, abrasions of variable sizes. These skin problems are aggravated by excessive hormonal response, allergic reactions and hypersensitivity to different cosmetics. Women suffer from acne scars significantly more than men.

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Solutions to these acne problems involve specific symptomatic treatment. You should wash the affected area with antibacterial cleansers; Benzoyl peroxide is considered as a highly effective medication for removing scar marks.

Treating body acne has become a lot easier

Body acne is also a genetic disease, very similar to the facial acne. The location is different and the underlying causes may also vary. Body acne is usually provoked by fabrics that are hypersensitive to your skin. Treating body acne is comparatively a time-consuming procedure. There are two major acne types: light to moderate and moderate to severe infection.

For less infective cases, you should cleanse the skin carefully and allow it to get dried completely once you put the clothes off. Then you should apply 10% alpha hydroxyl acid and softly cleanse the affected area with it. If the infection is widespread and severe in nature, you should apply 2.5 percent benzoyl peroxide followed by 10 percent alpha hydroxyl acid. Before applying the medications, always consider cleansing your skin and get it dried completely.

Scalp acne: comparatively uncommon but equally disturbing

Scalp acne is not as common as facial acne or acne in your body or back. But the etiology that is developmental process is same for the occurrences. Sebum is the natural protective layer secreted by skin. The oily substance gets its way through the pores present in your skin.

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If somehow the skin pores are obstructed, this can give rise to acne in scalp. Bacteria easily multiply inside these clogs and form microcomedone that are also known as pre-pimple. You can use the following treatment approaches to handle scalp acne:

  1. Avoid using shampoo, conditioner or oil that make your scalp oily
  2. Apply oil free moisturizer more often to keep your scalp dry and healthy
  3. Apply shampoos that contain salicylic acid

Acne scars are very disturbing and embarrassing and these can make your life difficult at times. Surgical procedures, LASER removal can be expensive and time-consuming. But, the natural procedures can help you to get rid of these problems easily, effectively and faster.

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