HCG Diet Menu Is What You Need

HCG Diet Menu Is What You Need

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a naturally occurring hormone produced in the placenta in a pregnant woman. In fact, this hormone plays a vital role in controlling the metabolic function of the body during pregnancy period. But after extensive studies made by scientists, a HCG diet menu has been developed for different weight loss programs.

HCG diet menu consists of three phase. The first phase of HCG diet plan is sort of an introductory phase in which your body to get use to different types of intakes such increased daily water intake, walking for about one hour daily at any convenient time (most probably in the morning) and going through body cleansing process by adopting recommended HCG diet supplements. In most of the cases professional dieters also advise for eating apples and breadfruit on a daily basis in the first phase.

Second phase of HCG diet menu usually starts after three days. In the second phase, you need to increase you food take substantially. Also in the second phase it is advised to dieter to eat anything and everything. This exercise of excess eating increases overall energy of the person for the next couple of weeks. After first three days, the 500 calorie diet, known as VLCD or very low calorie diet has started. Different HCG diet menus have bit different plans but having the same purpose in them that is to reduce the weight of the dieter. Second phase of HCG diet menu can go for 25 to 45 days depending on the individual situation that how much one wants to lose his or her weight.

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Third phase of HCG diet menu usually consists of controlled diet plan. In the third phase, a dieter need to adjust his food intake plus he only has to eat normal, healthy foods. In the third phase, only foods, which do not contain artificial sweetener or sugar is recommended. The third phase also limit dieter from easting any fast food and cold drinks as usually these two types of foods may contain a high level of artificial sweeteners or other ingredients, which may jeopardize all the exercise which a dieter has done over the past couple of weeks.

Post HCT diet maintenance phase is the last and final stage of any HCG diet menu. The last and fourth stage starts when a dieter succeeds in reducing his weight to some extent. The fourth stage is a continuous plan for a dieter in which he continues to eat healthy food, which helps him to maintain his weight at a desirable level. Nevertheless to mention here that a daily work out even simple walk for a mere one hour help a lot to maintain a healthy lifestyle along with healthy-food intake on a daily basis.

It is particularly important to note that there is various HCG diet menu available with experience professionals and physicians those specializing in HCG diet. Every HCG diet menu has its own benefits from which you can advantage over the time.

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You may come across with VLCD of 500 calories per day and some physicians also recommend VLCD plan of 800 calories per day. All HCG diet menus give positive results provided that dieter remain stick to his diet plan and follow the instructions strictly. It is always advisable to take expert opinion of your doctor before you start any HCG diet menu because every menu cannot give 100% results to everyone but with the consultation of your physicians and by choosing right HCG diet menu plan, you may achieve your desired results.

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