Joining a fitness center can motivate you to stick with your weight loss program. But there are so many to choose from, how can you narrow down the field?
Determine what your goals are for your fitness program. Do you want to lose weight, get in shape for an athletic event, improve your chosen sport or establish a life long fitness routine? Knowing what you want from a center will help you choose the right center. Take a few minutes and think about your goals.
Friendly or firm — philosophy counts Do you want a congenial atmosphere where the trainers are your friends and gently motivate you towards a fitter and firmer body? Or do you need the no nonsense ‘let’s get going’ approach? Or perhaps you prefer the camaraderie of your peer group pushing you to greater fitness. The atmosphere of the center will influence your enjoyment of the program and if you enjoy the program you’ll be consistent in your attendance.
Visiting the center’s website will give you some insight into the center’s philosophy. Better yet visit the center itself. While you’re there take a moment and look at the members and the interaction between the members and the instructors.
Location, location, location It’s important in real estate and it’s important for your fitness center. Choose a center that offers what you want and what you need, but also consider its location. If you have to travel out of your way, the odds are you won’t do it when you need it the most. Pick a center that is either close to home or close to work. That way you can work in your work out without spending as much time traveling to it as you spend using it.
You gotta have it If racquet ball is your favorite sport, then your fitness center has got to have racquet ball courts. If your heart is set on circuit training then the right equipment and instructors have got to be available. If swimming is your preferred method of getting fit, make sure your center has a lap pool. You might think it doesn’t matter, but in the long run, it will. You will be more likely to make excuses not to go, if the center doesn’t offer what you need.
Amenities Spa, massage, swimming pool, sauna, and Jacuzzi are all wonderful amenities but will you use them? And will they be available when you want to use them? While the appeal of having the day’s tensions and stress massaged away sounds wonderful, will you actually the service? Or would onsite day care be more useful to you? Most centers have busy time periods before the work day and after work, will the amenities you want to use be too busy? If your idea of the ideal workout includes a steam and sauna followed by a quick refreshing dip in the pool, make sure your center has them.
Show me the money Memberships fees can range from a few dollars a visit to thousands per year. Make sure the center you choose fits within your budget.