Essential Oils for Cellulite Treatment

Essential Oils for Cellulite Treatment

There are no magic pills or potions that can provide permanent cellulite treatment. However, there are many cellulite treatment methods that can be used for reducing the appearance and effect of the cellulite. Most of these cellulite treatment methods can be made and tried at home.

Cellulite develops when the connective tissue that holds fat cells becomes weak permitting those fat cells to enlarge and push up against the skin causing the characteristic bumps and lumps that we all associate with cellulite.

One of the cellulite treatment options is to use essential oils combined with massage to treat areas worst affected by cellulite. Essential oils can be used in massage and also in a bath and they work to stimulate circulation and eliminate fluid retention.

Massage Oil Consists:

A massage oil blend consisting of 5 drops of each of the following oils can be used at home:

  • Grapefruit
  • Cypress
  • Juniper
  • Clary sage

Lemon, NB Orange, Rosemary, Lavender or may be substituted for any of the oils shown above. It is best to make a selection of four essential oils and use 5 drops from each one.

Massage Process For Cellulite Treatment

Bulk Email Soft – The essential oils must be mixed with appropriate carrier oil and then massaged on to affected areas every day immediately after a bath or shower.

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Make the massage movements firm and stimulating, always applying pressure on the stroke working towards the heart. Massage should be avoided in areas where there are varicose veins.

The combined effect of the massage and the essential oils will help to break down fatty deposits and encourage the removal of toxins by encouraging circulation.

By using soft bodies brush on the skin before the bath or shower or using a scrub or loofah in the bath or shower the subsequent massage with essential oils becomes all the more efficient.

Essential oils can also be added to a bath as a soak. Once again the oils can be chosen from any of the citrus group – Lemon, Grapefruit or Orange plus a choice from Juniper, Cypress, Rosemary, and Lavender. Select a maximum of 4 oils and add 3 drops of each to a bath.

As for the massage, the essential oil bath soak is more efficient if the skin is brushed prior to the bath or scrubbed whilst in the bath.

Essential oils are pleasant and easy to use. Many essential oils are not appropriate for use in pregnancy and in this condition, before self treating, it is better and safer to consult with a qualified aromatherapist.

Unfortunately, use of essential oils alone will not help to eliminate cellulite out of your body, although they will help. Along with these essential oils, you should also make dietary changes and lifestyle changes to lose excess fat and to also strengthen connective tissue.

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