The 3 Day Diet Plan

The 3 Day Diet Plan

The 3 Day Diet is a low calorie crash diet that some people say is a “special combination of foods” that helps to create a weight loss effect in just three days. Some sites claim that you can lose up to 10lbs in just three days.

To do the 3 Day Diet, follow the instructions below:

Day One Breakfast: Black coffee, tea, or water; 1/2 grapefruit or juice; 1 slice toast with 1T of peanut butter Lunch: 1/2 cup tuna; 1 slice toast; black coffee, tea, or water Dinner: 3oz. any lean meat; 1 cup green beans; 1 cup carrots; 1 cup vanilla ice cream; black coffee, tea, or water

Day Two Breakfast: Black coffee, tea, or water; 1 egg (any style); 1 slice toast; 1 banana Lunch: 1 cup cottage cheese or tuna; 5 saltine crackers; black coffee, tea or water Dinner: 2 beef franks or hot dogs; 1/2 cup carrots; 1 banana; 1 cup broccoli or cabbage; 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream; black coffee, tea, or water

Day Three Breakfast: Black coffee, tea or water; 5 saltine crackers; 1 slice cheddar cheese; 1 apple Lunch: 1 hard boiled egg; 1 slice toast; black coffee, tea, or water Dinner: 1 cup tuna; 1 cup carrots; 1 cup cauliflower; 1 cup melon; 1/2 cup vanilla ice cream; black coffee, tea, or water.

Note: You are allowed to use fake sugar with your coffee. You are also allowed to use lemon, salt and pepper, mustard, and cooking spray in your food preparations.

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There are a couple of reasons why this diet “works”. It’s very low calorie and you are required to drink a lot of coffee. The coffee acts as a diuretic, which helps you to lose water weight. Because the diet is only three days long, people are likely to stick with it.

The problem comes from what happens after those three days. While you may be initially elated at the weight you’ve lost in such a short time, the chance that the weight will soon come back on is very high. In most cases the weight you’ve lost is only water, not real fat loss. This means that when you return to your normal eating patterns, you will regain the weight.

Additionally, there could be a problem with the inclusion of ice cream in this diet. While there is certainly nothing wrong with ice cream in moderation (and you do eat it in moderation on the diet), this diet could have you subconsciously thinking about the ice cream as a reward for your good dieting behavior throughout the day. This is a very dangerous pattern to get into and you should try to reward your successes with things other than food.

While the diet may help some people jump start their way into a healthy eating lifestyle, most people will return to their normal eating patters after the three days (The patterns that got them fat in the first place.). This can lead to a yo-yo dieting effect which is known to adversely affect your metabolism.

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There are other diets and eating plans that are much safer and more effective than this one and those who are serious about losing weight will do better by looking at the alternatives and making a commitment to leading a healthier lifestyle.

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