How to Choose the Oil for Hair

How to Choose the Oil for Hair

When we talk about hair oil, we need to make a clarification: There are two types of oils with very different characteristics and uses of each other. These two oils are: essential oils and carrier oils, we see more specifically what the differences are. Essential oils are fragrant, precisely due to their structure do not seem oils, in fact they are light and not greasy. Whereas the oils and fats are carriers, because of their content, they are able to feed our hair to regenerate Anatolia where there is the need. Let us see how to choose the right hair oil.

If we use an essential oil, the first thing to do is to make sure that it is of excellent quality. It is very important that inside there are no chemicals, as it should be to affect the health of our hair. To purchase these products, it is always good to consult with an herbalist specialist can provide certified material and good quality. The oils that are used mostly for hair care are: lavender, rose and chamomile. Of course also other are suitable, such as Tea Tree, excellent for the treatment of greasy hair and a scalp presenting excessive dryness, and then indicated to combat dandruff. Because of its fragrance can be used equally by men and women.

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Other essential oil suitable for the care of our hair, but also good for the scalp is oil of orange. This essential oil is capable of giving both high fragrance to our hair, both to counteract the excessive production of sebum. Other oil very suitable for your hair is to jojoba. This carrier oil has a special feature compared to other oils, which resembles the natural oil produced by our hair, what we know as sebum. This product can be used alone as directly on the hair wrap restructuring, or applied to a carrier oil.

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